卫理公会以萨迦守望者祷告事项 07/04 – 13/04



卫理公会以萨迦守望者 07/04/2022 – 13/04/2022















Issachar Watchmen Methodist(IWM) 07/04/2022 – 13/04/2022

Prayer items 2nd week of April

1. World

[a] Pray for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to resume peace talks, with hopes that they will be able to come into an agreement and it will end the war.

[b] Pray for the 2.5 million people who fled from the Russia and Ukraine war. Ask God to have mercy on them. Pray especially that they can experience God’s miraculous work and be healed in body and mind.

[c] Because of the sudden deterioration of the pandemic situation in China, the reported number of confirmed cases has exceeded 10,000 for two consecutive days. Pray for God’s mercy upon China that they may experience God’s presence and healing.

2. Country

[a] Pray for the Ministry of Education, which is studying the current endemic situation to determine the necessity of asking students to take turns to come to school. Pray that the Lord grant them wisdom so that the Ministry of Education can make the best decisions for the education system during this endemic period.

[b] Ramadan has also just begun. Pray that our M friends may get to know and see the One True God when praying to Allah. Pray for more M friends to have a unique and personal experience with God during Ramadan.

3. Church

[a] For each church to make the necessary adjustments in accordance to the latest UNIFOR standard operating procedures. May God’s protection be upon us as more brothers and sisters return to in-person worship; that they can worship together in a safe space.

[b]Pray for the church as we enter into the Holy Week. Pray that through the various arrangements and services of Holy Week, brothers and sisters will meditate on God’s works, be renewed, and continue to live out the gospel.

4. Family

[a] Pray for the relationship between husband and wife (yourself/parents/a couple you know): For husband and wife to live out the gospel for each other. Just as Christ loved the church and the church obeying Christ, Husbands should love their wives, and wives should submit to their husbands; becoming an example for their children. Pray that through their parents, children may come to know the love of Jesus.

[b] Pray for families that have broken parent-child relationships; may God’s love and words renew and restore their relationship (pray for those you know that have broken family relationships)

Isakhar Pengawal Methodist  07/04/2022 – 13/04/2022

Doa minggu kedua April

1. Dunia

[a] Berdoa untuk Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin dan Presiden Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, dapat rundingan damai antara kedua-dua negara, dengan harapan bahawa ini akan menamatkan perang.

[b] Berdoalah untuk 2.5 juta orang yang melarikan diri akibat meletusnya perang di Rusia dan Ukraine, dan mohon ampun kepada Tuhan. Semasa proses melarikan diri, mereka akan mengalami kerja ajaib Tuhan, dan mereka akan disembuhkan dalam badan dan minda.

[c] Kerana kemerosotan pandemik di China, jumlah kes yang disahkan telah melebihi 10,000 selama 2 hari berturut-turut. Berdoa memohon belas kasihan Tuhan dan mengalami penyembuhan kehadiran Tuhan.

2. Negara

[a] Berdoa agar Kementerian Pelajaran mengkaji situasi semasa wabak ini, supaya semua pelajar tidak perlu bergilir-gilir untuk kembali ke sekolah, Berdoa agar Tuhan memberikan kebijaksanaan, supaya Kementerian Pendidikan dapat buat keputusan yang terbaik, anak-anak dapat dididik semasa wabak diperbaiki dan terjamin.

[b] Ramadan bermula.  Sebagai ingatan kepada saudara M, mereka dapat mengenali dan bertemu Tuhan yang sebenar apabila mereka dekat dengan “Allah” pada bulan Ramadhan. Doakan agar lebih ramai lagi rakan senegara dapat merasai pengalaman istimewa bersama Tuhan sepanjang Ramadan.

3. Gereja

[a] Memandangkan setiap gereja telah membuat pelarasan baharu dengan prosedur operasi standard UNIFOR terkini, Tuhan melindungi bahawa apabila lebih ramai saudara dan saudari kembali untuk beribadat secara peribadi, mereka boleh beribadat bersama-sama dalam ruang yang selamat.

【b】Berdoa agar gereja memasuki Minggu Suci, berdoa agar saudara-saudari, melalui pelbagai pengaturan dan perkhidmatan semasa Minggu Suci, memikirkan tindakan Tuhan dalam kehidupan, diperbaharui, dan terus menjalani kehidupan Injil.

4. Keluarga

[a] Berdoa untuk hubungan antara suami dan isteri (diri sendiri/ibu bapa/nominasikan pasangan yang kamu kenal): agar suami dan isteri menjalani kehidupan injil untuk satu sama lain, seperti Kristus mengasihi gereja, dan gereja mentaati Kristus . Suami mengasihi isteri mereka, dan isteri tunduk kepada suami mereka, menjadi teladan bagi anak-anak mereka, dan melihat kasih Yesus melalui hubungan antara suami dan isteri.

[b] Berdoalah untuk hubungan Ibu Bapa-Anak yang putus dan keluarga yang dingin,, semoga kasih dan firman Tuhan dapat memperbaiki mereka. (Berdoa untuk pencalonan yang anda tahu)




