卫理公会以萨迦守望者祷告事项 03/02 – 09/02

卫理公会以萨迦守望者 03/02/2022 – 09/02/2022
















Issachar Watchmen Methodist(IWM) 03/02/2022 – 09/02/2022

Prayer items 1st week of February

1) Prayer for Nation:

– Kampung Tawas, Ipoh, Perak was hit by a tornado-like storm at around 6:45 pm on 30th Jan. The roofs of many homes were blown away and debris was seen flying through the air. Pray for the safety of the local residents. Pray also for the aftermath of the disaster, as cleaning and repair works come underway. Pray for God’s comfort to be upon the local residents.

-(31/1) The High Court approved the application of the Prime Minister and the Malaysian government: to classify documents related to the withdrawal of the judicial review of the Pedra Branca Dispute by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

-Pray for all the judicial proceedings. May it be handled properly with God’s guidance.

2) Prayer for New Year:

-Pray for the CNY celebrations: that as we celebrate together, we do not forget to adhere to the Pandemic SOPs.

-Pray for New Year family reunion: that family members will build each other up, practice love and tolerance, shepherd one another, and practice family discipleship.

3) Prayer for the church:

-Pray that the church will become a beacon to the community, influence the community, be aware of the needs of the community, and taking the initiative to care for and show compassion to those in need.

-Pray that the church will guide the people to know the Lord, and educate believers to become disciples; to equip brothers and sisters to grow together.

4) Prayer for individual:

– There are all kinds of Chinese New Year taboos and superstitions that may be displeasing to God; Pray that God will enlighten us regarding these things, and may the Holy Spirit to guide us, so that we will reject sin and fortify our faith.

– As we celebrate the Lunar New Year, may God also guide our conversations; may our speech be a blessing that builds up the life of other Christians, and be the light for the non-believers.

Isakhar Pengawal Methodist 03/02/2022 – 09/02/2022

Doa minggu pertama Februari

1) Doa untuk negara:

-30/01/2022 kira-kira pukul 6.45 petang terjadinya puting beliung di Kampung Tawas, Ipoh, Perak. Terdapat banyak atap rumah penduduk di kampung tersebut telah ditiup dan terdapat banyak cebisan atap dalam udara. Kita perlu berdoa untuk keselamatan dan jiwa penduduk di kampung tersebut. Selain itu, berdoa juga untuk kerja pembersihan setelah kejadian ini. Kita juga berdoa agar Tuhan melegakan hati penduduk di kawasan tersebut.

-Mahkamah Tinggi telah meluluskan permohonan Perdana Menteri dan Kerajaan Malaysia untuk senaraikan dokumen dalaman yang dikembalikan oleh Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa sebagai dokumen sulit.

-Berdoa supaya segala prosedur dipimpin Tuhan dan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik dan adil.

2) Doa untuk Tahun Baru Cina:

-Berdoa supaya apabila dalam perayaan Tahun Baru, tidak lupa mematuhi SOP dengan teguh supaya wabak tidak menular.

-Dalam musim perayaan tahun baru, doa supaya keluarga bersatu, saling membangun, saling bertolak ansur dalam kasih sayang, saling membina dan mempengaruhi kehidupan orang lain.

3) Doa untuk gereja:

-Berdoa supaya gereja menjadi pelita untuk masyarakat sekitar, mempengaruhi masyarakat sekitar, mengambil berat secara sukarela dengan keperluan masyarakat dan penduduk dalam kawasan sekitar gereja.

-Berdoa supaya gereja memimpin orang untuk mengenali Tuhan, dan mengajar dan memupuk penganut, dan bertumbuh bersama-sama.

4) Doa untuk diri:

-Berdoa supaya Tuhan memimpin kita supaya dijauhi daripada pengamalan segala trasisi yang tidak disukai Tuhan pada musim perayaan tahun baru cina, dan berdiri teguh dalam agama sendiri.

-Berdoa supaya dalam musim perayaan ini, Tuhan menggunakan segala perlakuan, dan pertuturan kita untuk menjadi keberkatan orang lain dan membina kehidupan warga Kristian, dan menjadi kesaksian kepada yang belum menerima Yesus Kristus dalam kehidupan mereka.









卫理公会以萨迦守望者祷告事项 20/01 – 26/01

卫理公会以萨迦守望者 20/01/2022 – 26/01/2022



















Issachar Watchmen Methodist(IWM) 20/01/2022 – 26/01/2022

Prayer Items for 4th week of January

1) Church growth:

– In 2022, the church has broken through and adapted to shepherding the church both online and in-person.

-Pray, with the convenience that comes with the use of the Internet, members will participate more actively in church meetings and courses, so that they will have a greater understanding of the faith and will live according to God’s will.

-Pray, after the church fully re-opens, members can gradually return to the church to serve the Lord and be a witness to the growth of the church.

2) Harmony in the Family:

-Faith needs to be lived out in our daily life (especially in family life).

-Pray that the family will be filled with the love of Christ, the essence of faith, and may the home be filled with Christ’s pleasing aroma.

-Pray that once the word of God is rooted in the family, unnecessary disputes can be avoided, and the family can live in harmony.

3) Witnessing in the Workplace:

-Now that we have returned to our respective workplaces, things seem to be going back to normal.

-Pray that we will take advantage of this opportunity and be a witness in the workplace, put the gospel into action, and live out the faith for others to see.

-Pray that God will protect us, and give us strength to resist temptations in the workplace; that we will have the courage to say ‘No”.

4) Pray for Tonga:

– The recent volcanic eruption in Tonga has caused significant damage to the surrounding islands, and its aftershocks are a cause for concern to neighbouring countries.

-Pray that the Tongan government can move quickly to rescue victims, and help them to rebuild their homes.

-Pray that God will protect the neighbouring countries from the aftershocks, and help them to quickly put in place disaster prevention and emergency measures.

Isakhar Pengawal Methodist 20/01/2022 – 26/01/2022

Doa minggu keempat Januari

1) Pertumbuhan gereja:

– Pada tahun 2022, gereja telah mencapai kejayaan baru,iaitu memakai talian dan fizikal dalam segi Pastoral.

-Berdoa, melalui kemudahan Internet, ahli gereja boleh mengambil bahagian dengan lebih aktif dalam mesyuarat dan kursus gereja, supaya mempunyai pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang iman dan lebih dekat dengan kehendak Tuhan.

-Berdoa, selepas gereja dibuka, ahli gereja boleh kembali ke gereja mengikut keadaan individu untuk melayani Tuhan dan menyaksikan pertumbuhan gereja.

2) Keharmonian keluarga:

-Iman perlu dihayati dalam kehidupan seharian (dalam keluarga).

-Berdoa, agar keluarga kami akan dipenuhi dengan kasih Kristus,dan iman, supaya

keluarga dipenuhi dengan keharuman Kristus.

-Berdoa, firman Tuhan melindungi dalam keluarga, perselisihan yang tidak perlu dapat dielakkan, dan barulah keluarge dapat hidup dalam harmoni.

3) Saksi semasa Kerja:

-Kini kami sama-sama kembali ke tempat kerja (tempat kerja, sekolah).

-Berdoa, kami menghargai peluang untuk menjadi saksi di tempat kerja, menginjil dengan tindakan, dan membiarkan orang lain melihat pesona iman.

-Berdoa, Tuhan akan melindungi kami, dan berani melawan godaan di tempat kerja. Apabila berhadapan dengan godaan, beranikan diri untuk menolak.

4) keselamatan Tonga:

– Letusan gunung berapi di Tonga menyebabkan kemusnahan kebanyakan pulau, dan negara-negara sekitarnya juga amat mengambil berat tentang tindak balas yang berkaitan.

-Berdoa agar kerajaan Tonga dapat segera menyelamatkan mangsa dan membantu mereka membina semula rumah mereka.

-Doakan, negara sekitar juga dilindungi Tuhan, dan bersiap sedia untuk mencegah bencana lebih awal.





















2022 灵性操练营


名额:每次12 – 15



认献:RM 70(2天1夜)

  RM 110(3天2夜)



认献:RM 30(不含食住行)





联络号码:019-868 9085






卫理公会以萨迦守望者祷告事项 13/01 – 19/01

卫理公会以萨迦守望者 13/01/2022 – 19/1/2022





















Issachar Watchmen Methodist(IWM) 13-19/1/2022

Prayer Items for 3rd week of January


1) Remaining Vigilant During Pandemic:

-The recent outbreak sees more than one million confirmed cases detected in the United States in a single day. The number of cases in Malaysia has also climbed to more than 3,000 ( as at 11/1) confirmed cases again.

– Pray that Malaysia’s pandemic prevention and control measures can reduce the spread of the pandemic. Pray that as the people practice self-discipline and hygiene awareness that it will reduce the spread of the virus.

-Pray that the Sarawak state government will strictly control the entry and exit of travellers, and be vigilant about law enforcement so that Sarawak can enjoy a comfortable and stable life.

2) Life influence life:

-Family is the place where faith is practiced, and it is the foundation of the life of faith (not just in the church).

-Pray that Christian family members remain alert and remind themselves that they need to live out their faith according to the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

-Pray that non-Christian family members witness the good testimony of their Christian family members, and thus have a positive impression of the gospel, come to know the gospel, and finally, accept the gospel. This is the life-changing effect of the Gospel.

3) Personal Spiritual Growth:

– We are now 13 days into 2022. How has your relationship with God been during these 13 days? Have you sought after God? Or have you forgotten about Him?

-Pray, as faith is not just about getting information from the church, but is about being close to God and reading God’s word every day to know God’s will and His thoughts.

-Pray that believers develop and grow in their personal spiritual lives, so that they can effectively carry out the work of the Church.

4) The Year of the Tiger, grace always there

– As we enter into the Year of the Tiger, we continue to count on God’s grace and experience the presence of God.

-Pray that the blessings that Abraham received will also come to us.

-Pray that the wisdom that Solomon received will also accompany us in our daily lives.

-Pray that Paul’s desire to evangelize also burns in our hearts.

-Pray that the salvation of Jesus will come to all people, that all will be saved.

Isakhar Pengawal Methodist 13-19/1/2022

Doa minggu ketiga Januari


1) Waspada semasa wabak:

-Wabak baru-baru ini lebih daripada satu juta kes di Amerika Syarikat dalam satu hari. Malaysia juga meningkat kepada lebih 3,000 (11/1) kes.

– Berdoa agar pencegahan dan kawalan wabak Malaysia dapat mengurangkan evolusi wabak tersebut. Doakan agar disiplin diri dan kesedaran kebersihan rakyat dapat mengurangkan penularan virus ini.

-Berdoa agar kerajaan negeri Sarawak mengawal ketat keluar masuk serta berwaspada terhadap penguatkuasaan undang-undang, agar Sarawak dapat menikmati kehidupan yang selesa dan stabil.

2) Kehidupan mempengaruhi kehidupan:

-Keluarga adalah tempat di mana iman diamalkan, dan ia adalah tahap asas kehidupan iman (bukan hanya di gereja).

-Berdoa agar ahli keluarga Kristian sentiasa dapat bangun dan mengingatkan diri mereka bahawa mereka perlu menghidupkan buah Roh Kudus, ajaran Yesus Kristus.

-Berdoa agar ahli keluarga bukan Kristian melihat kesaksian indah orang Kristian, dan dengan itu mempunyai tanggapan yang baik tentang Injil, mengetahui Injil, dan menerima Injil. Ini adalah Injil yang mempengaruhi kehidupan.

3) Membesar dengan menggembala:

– 2022 hanya bermula 13 hari. Bagaimanakah hubungan anda dengan Tuhan selama 13 hari ini? Adakah anda menemui Tuhan? Atau lupakan Tuhan?

-Doa, iman bukan sekadar mendapatkan maklumat di gereja, tetapi juga perlu mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan setiap hari, membaca firman Tuhan setiap hari, dan mengetahui kehendak Tuhan.

-Doa, Kristian perlu menggembalakan diri mereka dan berkembang, supaya mereka dapat melaksanakan kerja gereja dengan berkesan.

4) Tahun Harimau, Anugerah tuhan sentiasa ada

– Tahun Harimau, anda masih boleh mengira rahmat Tuhan dan mengalami kehadiran Tuhan.

-Doa, berkat Abraham juga datang kepada kita.

-Doa, kebijaksanaan Solomon juga mengiringi kehidupan seharian kita.

-Doa, semangat juang penginjilan Paulus membara di dalam hati kita.

-Doa, Penyelamatan Yesus datang kepada semua orang, supaya orang akan diselamatkan.


















