马来西亚总议会督理事会回应: 从圣经和牧养观点处理同性婚姻课题

马来西亚总议会督理事会回应: 从圣经和牧养观点处理同性婚姻课题(中英版本)

2 July, 2021


1. 圣经的权威
2. 圣经的婚姻制度
3. 我们基督徒对同性婚姻的回应

• 圣经是上帝所默示的 (提后3:16),圣灵感应藉著人被写成的(彼后1:20-21)
• 圣经能教导我们有关救恩的训示(提后3:15),带领人们与上帝建立关系。换句话说,虽然圣经对历史和科学方面有辅助,但是我们却不能把圣经当作是历史或科学书籍,圣经主要的目的是带领我们与上帝建立关系。
• 既然圣经是上帝的话语,于教训、督察、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的(提后3:16)。这表示上帝没有让我们疑惑什么是真理,什么是错误的,什么是对的,什么是错的。圣经教导我们应该怎样过圣洁生活。
• 虽然圣经是在特定文化下著作,这能教训、督察、使人归正、教导人学义的话语,并不只属于过去年代,乃是上帝昔在今在永在文化的话语。

• 我们是上帝所造的性别人类,男女都为上帝所创造。(创1:27)
• 一男一女的婚姻制度为上帝所设立的。(创2:24)
• 主耶穌确认婚姻的一男一女制。(太19:4-6)

• 基督徒应该忠于圣经新旧约的话语。
• 婚姻制度是上帝所设立的:由一男一女组成,一夫一妻制。
• 一夫一妻制是上帝所设立的,不是根据任何文化习俗的。这神圣制度是超时超文化的。
• 同性婚姻没有任何圣经的依据。
• 圣经不但没有支持同性婚姻,也反对任何在一男一女婚姻以外的性关系。
• 即使我们谨守圣经婚姻的教导,我们也要肯定圣经对邻舍的爱。虽然我们不能接纳同性婚姻,但是我们肯定不憎恨那些偏离圣经教导的人们。我们肯定我们爱邻舍的心。我们会敞开我们的心门、教会的门,给那些寻求和需要服事的人,迈向成为基督真正门徒的道路。
• 马来西亚卫理公会法規(2016年)说明:


• 在上述法規第三部的社会準则84.4e条例:“我们认为同性恋不符合基督教的教导。不过,我们接受同性恋者是具有神圣价值的人。教会致力于提供他们辅导、治疗、引导和关爱团契的灵性及情绪上的支持。"






2nd July 2021

Dealing with Same-Sex Union, Biblically and Pastorally

We are hearing of some Methodist Churches overseas who are approving same-sex marriage. Although their decision has no implication on the Methodist Church in Malaysia (as we are an autonomous Church), yet there are many who are thinking through its implications for the Church all over. In some ways, the decision has affected Methodists in Malaysia too, especially our lay members who genuinely want to know where the church really stands in terms of biblical convictions. Even in the churches overseas the same-sex marriage approval has never been arrived at unanimously. It has split churches and caused many to grieve over the decision taken. Often, the decision is made from the perspective of human rights.

We wish to state three things broadly:
1. The authority of the Bible
2. The institution of marriage as espoused in the Bible
3. Our Christian response to same-sex marriage

1. The Bible is the authoritative word of God
 It is “God-breathed” (2 Tim 3:16). Meaning, the Bible is the Word of God, brought into existence by the breath of God. The human authors wrote the Word of God under inspiration from God (2 Pet 1:20-21).
 The Word of God is able to instruct us for salvation (2 Tim 3:15). God has spoken to us through the Bible primarily to show us the way to come into a relationship with Him. In other words, the Bible is not to be used as a historical or a science book, although it does complement both. However, primarily it is a Book that leads us into a relationship with God.
 Since the Bible is the Word of God, it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16). This is to say that God has not left us to wonder what truth is and what error is, what is right and what is wrong. The Bible is able to instruct us as to how we should live.
 While the Bible was written within particular cultures, this Word of God that is able to teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness is not a Word only for the past. It is the Word for the past, present and future cultures.

2. The institution of marriage
 We are all sexual beings created by God as male and female (Gen 1:27).
 Marriage is an institution established by God for a man and a woman (Gen 2:24)
 Our Lord Jesus affirmed the institution of marriage as it should be between a man and a woman (Mt 19:4-6).

3. Our Christian response to same-sex marriage
In view of the affirmations above, what then should our Christian response be to same-sex marriage?
 We must be faithful to the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
 Marriage is instituted by God in terms of heterosexual monogamy. It is a union between one man and one woman.
 Heterosexual marriage is God’s created order for humankind, and it is not something based on any culture of the past. It is a divine institution meant for all cultures of all times.
 Same-sex marriage does not find support in the Bible.
 The Bible is not only unsupportive of same-sex intercourse, but it is against any sexual relationship that deviates from the one man-one woman sexual act within the context of marriage.
 Even as we follow the teaching of the Bible about marriage, we must follow the teachings of the Bible with regards to loving our neighbours. While we do not accept same-sex union, we affirm that we do not hate those who deviate from the path stated in the Bible. We affirm our love for our neighbours. The doors of our hearts and the doors of our churches are open to anyone who will come to be ministered to, and be on the way to being a true disciple of Jesus Christ our Lord.
 In The Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church in Malaysia (MBOD 2016) the following is stated and we take cognizance of it:

“The Methodist Church believes that, in setting persons apart for ministry, self-avowed practicing LGBTQI (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Trans-Sexual, Queers and Indeterminate) are not to be certified as candidates to serve at any level in the Methodist Church in Malaysia. Nonetheless, this does not prevent us from ministering to them with the love of Christ.” (301.3)

 In the section called Social Principles in the MBOD 2016, the following is stated:

“We consider the practice of homosexuality to be incompatible with Christian teachings. However, we do recognise that homosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth. The Church is committed to provide counselling, healing and guidance as well as the spiritual and emotional support of a caring fellowship.” (84.4e)

“We believe that individuals who are confused about their sexual identity need the healing and transforming power of God’s grace rather than sex-change operations.” (84.4f)

     We pray that we will be faithful to the Word of God that is contained in the Bible, and not give in to teachings that distort the Word of God. We must not treat the Word of God as an ancient text that can be interpreted according to cultural fashions and fleshly desires. We, as a Church, need to be careful that we guard our pulpits, our intellects, and our emotions from those who are eager to bring about man-made theories that cannot be sustained. At the same time the pulpit must not be used to ridicule those who reject the biblical lifestyle.

     To argue from the presupposition of human rights is a huge fallacy because each has his own way of interpreting rights and demanding rights. Let us not be swayed by arguments that want to be culturally and politically correct. Cultures will change and politics will adjust itself to cultures. We, on the other hand, must be faithful to the teachings of the Bible.

     Let us be prayerful for the Methodist Church in Malaysia and preach the unchanging Word of God faithfully. For those who have deviated from the truth, we pray for them to return to the Truth.

The Council of Bishops
The Methodist Church in Malaysia



日期    :202171日(星期四)
时间 :晚上7时正
地点 :福源堂
内容 :为宣教工场祷告、宣教士分享



日期    :202178日(星期四)
时间 :晚上7时正
地点 :福源堂
内容 :为宣教工场祷告、宣教士分享


日期    :2021715日(星期四)
时间 :晚上7时正
地点 :福源堂
内容 :为宣教工场祷告、宣教士分享



主催: SCAC教区祷告协调员

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Chinese Methodist Message
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各位弟兄姐妹,以上乃转载自马来西亚福音联谊会今天的灵修篇。让我们一起参与明天(8:30am-8:30pm,星期日,24 Jan 2021)为国家的禁食祷告;在我们与新冠肺炎作战期间,求神赐恩怜悯于我们的国家,在祂大能的护庇下,使我们得以保全!

“The Levites, however, are to set up their tents around the tabernacle of the covenant law…” (Numbers 1:53a)
My dear brothers and sisters, we don’t know how long we have to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are uncertain how devastating it can be to our country. In times like these we need to seek God’s help as He will gather those who call upon Him.

Let us also realize like Ezra that the Levites played a significant role to help protect the people of God. We as a royal priesthood of believers play the same role now. Let us then respond to the sacred call of God, brothers and sisters. Come! Fast and intercede for our nation! It is time for us to seek God desperately! We must come together to declare the gracious hand of God and His mighty arm is able to help us.

Fellow brothers & sisters, above message is quoted from today’s NECF devotional. May I invite you to join us to fast & pray (8:30am-8:30pm, SUNDAY, 24 Jan 2021) in unity for our nation during this period when we fight against Covid-19, that we shall be preserved under His great power!



  砂拉越卫理公会华人年议会属 下百週年纪念园于下周充作新冠疫情的隔离中心用途。日前(1月15日)有兩位医生Dr. Rachel与Dr. Dorin代表政府医务局,在黄家源牧师、许世強等的陪同下,前往实地观察。一旦充隔离中心,可以容纳约百人住宿。





砂拉越卫理公会华人年议会属 下百週年纪念园于下周充作新冠疫情的隔离中心用途。日前(1月15日)有兩位医生Dr. Rachel与Dr. Dorin代表政府医务局,在黄家源牧师、许世強等的陪同下,前往实地观察。一旦充隔离中心,可以容纳约百人住宿。