– In 2022, the church has broken through and adapted to shepherding the church both online and in-person.
-Pray, with the convenience that comes with the use of the Internet, members will participate more actively in church meetings and courses, so that they will have a greater understanding of the faith and will live according to God’s will.
-Pray, after the church fully re-opens, members can gradually return to the church to serve the Lord and be a witness to the growth of the church.
2) Harmony in the Family:
-Faith needs to be lived out in our daily life (especially in family life).
-Pray that the family will be filled with the love of Christ, the essence of faith, and may the home be filled with Christ’s pleasing aroma.
-Pray that once the word of God is rooted in the family, unnecessary disputes can be avoided, and the family can live in harmony.
3) Witnessing in the Workplace:
-Now that we have returned to our respective workplaces, things seem to be going back to normal.
-Pray that we will take advantage of this opportunity and be a witness in the workplace, put the gospel into action, and live out the faith for others to see.
-Pray that God will protect us, and give us strength to resist temptations in the workplace; that we will have the courage to say ‘No”.
4) Pray for Tonga:
– The recent volcanic eruption in Tonga has caused significant damage to the surrounding islands, and its aftershocks are a cause for concern to neighbouring countries.
-Pray that the Tongan government can move quickly to rescue victims, and help them to rebuild their homes.
-Pray that God will protect the neighbouring countries from the aftershocks, and help them to quickly put in place disaster prevention and emergency measures.
– Pada tahun 2022, gereja telah mencapai kejayaan baru,iaitu memakai talian dan fizikal dalam segi Pastoral.
-Berdoa, melalui kemudahan Internet, ahli gereja boleh mengambil bahagian dengan lebih aktif dalam mesyuarat dan kursus gereja, supaya mempunyai pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang iman dan lebih dekat dengan kehendak Tuhan.
-Berdoa, selepas gereja dibuka, ahli gereja boleh kembali ke gereja mengikut keadaan individu untuk melayani Tuhan dan menyaksikan pertumbuhan gereja.
2) Keharmonian keluarga:
-Iman perlu dihayati dalam kehidupan seharian (dalam keluarga).
-Berdoa, agar keluarga kami akan dipenuhi dengan kasih Kristus,dan iman, supaya
keluarga dipenuhi dengan keharuman Kristus.
-Berdoa, firman Tuhan melindungi dalam keluarga, perselisihan yang tidak perlu dapat dielakkan, dan barulah keluarge dapat hidup dalam harmoni.
3) Saksi semasa Kerja:
-Kini kami sama-sama kembali ke tempat kerja (tempat kerja, sekolah).
-Berdoa, kami menghargai peluang untuk menjadi saksi di tempat kerja, menginjil dengan tindakan, dan membiarkan orang lain melihat pesona iman.
-Berdoa, Tuhan akan melindungi kami, dan berani melawan godaan di tempat kerja. Apabila berhadapan dengan godaan, beranikan diri untuk menolak.
4) keselamatan Tonga:
– Letusan gunung berapi di Tonga menyebabkan kemusnahan kebanyakan pulau, dan negara-negara sekitarnya juga amat mengambil berat tentang tindak balas yang berkaitan.
-Berdoa agar kerajaan Tonga dapat segera menyelamatkan mangsa dan membantu mereka membina semula rumah mereka.
-Doakan, negara sekitar juga dilindungi Tuhan, dan bersiap sedia untuk mencegah bencana lebih awal.